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All Categories > Tubing, FEP, PTFE, PFA, Polyethylene, FEP Lined Polyethylene, Silicone, Vinyl and Plastic Peristaltic Pump > Fluoropolymer FEP Tubing > FEP Spaghetti Heat Shrink 1.3:1 Tubing > Catalog Number THS0016-1.3:1F  

Catalog Number THS0016-1.3:1F, FEP Spaghetti Heat Shrink 1.3:1 Tubing

In addition to its low co-efficient of friction, FEP Tubing offers excellent performance at both low and high temperatures, along with outstanding resistance to most chemicals. It is a clear, translucent color.

FEP tubing is non-aging, nontoxic and non-allergenic. It maintains its stiffness, has excellent strength and is crack-resistant. FEP tubing has the best abrasion resistance of all the fluoropolymer tubings. It is chemically inert and heat resistant. It is bendable even at -454 degrees F.



Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP)



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