Catalog Number PROT18-2515, General purpose Type PROT18
BEST VALUE Self-Adhesive FEP over vinyl overlays protect work surfaces from virtually all corrosive chemicals and contamination. All Purpose Type PROT18 is 0.001" FEP bonded to 0.008" self-adhesive vinyl. Working temperature range is 200 ºF. Prevents radio-labeled chemicals from being absorbed into work surfaces. - Provides an inexpensive way to protect bench tops, counters, walls, fume hoods, tables, sinks, drains, conveyors, hoppers, chutes (virtually any surface) from corrosive chemicals. Also used as release surfaces, roll covers, mold liners and underlayment for chemical storage containers.
- Easy to Fit - Easy to Apply. Works like contact paper, simply cut with scissors or knife to fit. Peel off backing material and press into place. Can be pulled up and repositioned if necessary.
- Easy to Clean and Remove. Provides an easy to clean surface. Virtually nothing sticks to FEP.
- Turns pitted, corroded or deteriorating surfaces into aesthetically pleasing, sanitary white work areas.
- FEP displays unusually low liquid absorption values compared to other plastics. It absorbs practically no common acids or bases.